Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Divide and Conquer is one of the best-known general algorithm design technique. Divide-and-conquer algorithms work according to the following general plan:
1. A problem's instance is divided into several smaller instances of the same problem, ideally of about the same size.
2. The smaller instances are solved (typically recursively, though sometimes a different algorithm is employed when instances become small enough).
3. If necessary, the solutions obtained for the smaller instances are combined to get a solution to the original problem.
The divide-and-conquer technique is diagrammed, which depicts the case of dividing a problem into two smaller sub problems, 

Examples of divide and conquer method are Binary search, Quick sort, Merge sort.
·         Definition:
     Given a function to compute on n inputs the divide-and-conquer strategy suggest splitting the inputs into k distinct subsets, 1 < K n, yielding k sub problems. These Sub problems must be solved, and then a method must be found to combine sub solutions into a solution of the whole. If the Sub problems are still relatively large, then the divide-and-conquer strategy can possibly be reapplied. Often the sub problems resulting from a divide-and-conquer design are the same type as the original problem. For those cases the reapplication of the divide-and-conquer principle is naturally expressed by a recursive algorithm. Now smaller sub problems of the same kind are generated until eventually sub problems that are small enough to be solved without splitting are produced.

Monday, August 27, 2012


The problem is to find the maximum and minimum items in a set of n elements.
1.      Algorithm for straight forward maximum and minimum
// set max to the maximum and min to the minimum of a[1:n].
     max := min := a[1];
     for i := 2 to n do
           if(a[i] > max) then max := a[i];
           if(a[i] > min) then min := a[i];
Analyzing the Straight Forward Method
                In analyzing the time complexity of this algorithm, we have to concentrate on the number of element comparisons. This algorithm requires 2(n-1) element comparisons in the best, average, and worst cases. An immediate improvement is possible by realizing that the comparison a[i] < min is necessary only when a[i]>max is false.
                Now the Best case occurs when the elements are in increasing order. The number of element comparisons is n-1. The worst case occurs when the element are in decreasing order. In this case number of comparisons is 2(n-1).
·         What is DIVIDE AND CONQUER Strategy?
Given a function to compute on n inputs the divide-and-conquer strategy suggest splitting the inputs into k distinct subsets, 1 < K n, yielding k sub problems. These Sub problems must be solved, and then a method must be found to combine sub solutions into a solution of the whole. If the Sub problems are still relatively large, then the divide-and-conquer strategy can possibly be reapplied. Often the sub problems resulting from a divide-and-conquer design are the same type as the original problem. For those cases the reapplication of the divide-and-conquer principle is naturally expressed by a recursive algorithm. Now smaller sub problems of the same kind are generated until eventually sub problems that are small enough to be solved without splitting are produced.
A divide-and-conquer algorithm for this problem would proceed as follows:  Let P = (n,a[i],….,a[j]) denote an arbitrary instance of the problem. Here n is the number of elements in the list a[i],….,a[j] and we are interested in finding the maximum and minimum of this list. Let small(P) be true when n 2. In this case, the maximum and minimum are a[i] if n = 1. If n = 2, the problem can be solved by making one comparison.
If the list has more than two elements, P has to be divided into smaller instances. For example, we might divide P into the two instances P1 = (n/2,a[1],….,a[n/2]) and P2 = (n - n/2,a[n/2 + 1],….,a[n]). After having divided P into two smaller sub problems, we can solve them by recursively invoking the same divide and conquer algorithm.
Now the question is How can we combine the Solutions for P1 and P2 to obtain the solution for P? If MAX(P) and MIN(P) are the maximum and minimum of the elements of P, then MAX(P) is the larger of MAX(P1) and MAX(P2) also MIN(P) is the smaller of MIN(P1) and MIN(P2).
MaxMin is a recursive algorithm that finds the maximum and minimum of the set of elements {a(i),a(i+1),…,a(j)}. The situation of set sizes one (i=j) and two (i=j-1) are handled separately. For sets containing more than two elements, the midpoint is determined and two new sub problems are generated. When the maxima and minima of this sub problems are determined, the two maxima are compared and the two minima are compared to achieve the solution for the entire set.
The procedure is initially invoked by the statement MaxMin(1,n,x,y). for this algorithm each node has four items of information: i, j, max, min. Suppose we simaulate MaxMin on the following nine elements:
a: [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]
    22   13   -5   -8   15  60   17   31  47
A good way of keeping track of recursive calls is to build a tree by adding a node each time a new call is made. On the array a[ ] above, the following tree is produced.

            We see that the root node contains 1 and 9 as the values of i and j corresponding to the initial call to MaxMin. This execution produces two new call to MaxMin, where i and j have the values 1, 5 and 6, 9, and thus split the set into two subsets of the same size. From the tree we can immediately see that the maximum depth of recursion is four (including the first call).
1.      Algorithm for  maximum and minimum using divide-and-conquer

MaxMin(i, j, max, min)
// a[1:n] is a global array. Parameters i and j are integers,   // 1≤i≤j≤n. The effect is to set max and min to the largest and  // smallest values in a[i:j].
     if (i=j) then max := min := a[i]; //Small(P)
     else if (i=j-1) then // Another case of Small(P)
                if (a[i] < a[j]) then max := a[j]; min := a[i];
                else max := a[i]; min := a[j];
           // if P is not small, divide P into sub-problems.
           // Find where to split the set.
           mid := ( i + j )/2;
           // Solve the sub-problems.
           MaxMin( i, mid, max, min );
           MaxMin( mid+1, j, max1, min1 );
           // Combine the solutions.
           if (max < max1) then max := max1;
           if (min > min1) then min := min1;

     Now what is the number of element comparisons needed for MaxMin? If T(n) represents this number, then the resulting recurrence relation is
                           0                                              n=1
T(n) =      1                                              n=2
                T(n/2) + T(n/2) + 2           n>2

     When n is a power of two, n = 2k
-for some positive integer k, then
  T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 2
           = 2(2T(n/4) + 2) + 2
           = 4T(n/4) + 4 + 2
           = 2k-1 T(2) + ∑(1≤i≤k-1) 2k
           = 2k-1 + 2k – 2
           = 3n/2 – 2 = O(n)
Note that 3n/2 – 2 is the best, average, worst case number of comparison when n is a power of two.
Comparisons with Straight Forward Method:
        Compared with the 2n – 2 comparisons for the Straight Forward method, this is a saving of 25% in comparisons. It can be shown that no algorithm based on comparisons uses less than 3n/2 – 2 comparisons.

Implementation in Java

public class MaxMin {
    static MaxMin m=new MaxMin();
    static int max,min;
    public static void main(String ar[])
        int a[]={10,12,9,7,15,11,1};
        int[] getMaxMin=m.MaxMin(a, 0, a.length-1, a[0], a[0]);
        System.out.println("Max : "+getMaxMin[0]+"\nMin : "+getMaxMin[1]);
    public int[] MaxMin(int[] a,int i,int j,int max,int min)
        int mid,max1,min1;
        int result[]=new int[2];
        if (i==j) { max = min = a[i]; } 
     else if (i==j-1) // Another case of Small(P)
                if (a[i] < a[j]) { this.max = getMax(this.max,a[j]); this.min = getMin(this.min,a[i]); }
                else { this.max = getMax(this.max,a[i]); this.min = getMin(this.min,a[j]); }
           // if P is not small, divide P into sub-problems.
           // Find where to split the set.
           mid = ( i + j )/2;
           // Solve the sub-problems.
           MaxMin( a, i, mid, max, min );    
           MaxMin( a, mid+1, j, max1, min1 );
           // Combine the solutions.
           if (this.max < max1) this.max = max1;
           if (this.min > min1) this.min = min1;
        result[0]=this.max;  result[1]=this.min;
        return result;
    public static int getMax(int i,int j)
        if(i>j) return i;
        else return j;
    public static int getMin(int i,int j)
        if(i>j) return j;
        else return i;


Monday, August 13, 2012

Math Class in JAVA

Mathematical functions such as sin, cos, sqrt, log etc are frequently used in analysis of real life problems. Java supports these basic functions through Math class defined in the java.lang package. These functions should be used as:
abs(double a)
abs(int a)
abs(float a)
abs(long a)
Return the Absolute value of a.
acos(double a)
Return the arc cosine of the argument.
asin(double a)
Return the arc sine of the argument.
atan(double a)
Return the arc tangent of the argument.
atan2(double y, double x)
Return the theta component of the point (rtheta) in polar coordinates that corresponds to the point (xy) in Cartesian coordinates.
cbrt(double a)
Return the cube root of a.
ceil(double a)
Return the smallest (closest to negative infinity) floating-point value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
cos(double a)
Return the cosine value of a.
cosh(double a)
Return the Hyperbolic cosine value of a.
exp(double a)
Return the value ea, where e is the base of the natural logarithms.
expm1(double x)
Return the value ex - 1.
floor(double a)
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) floating-point value that less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
getExponent(double d)
Return the unbiased exponent of the argument
getExponent(float d)

hypot(double x,double y)
Returns sqrt(x2 +y2) without intermediate overflow or underflow
log(double a)
Returns the value ln a, the natural logarithm of a.
log10(double a)
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a.
log1p(double a)
Returns the value ln(x + 1), the natural log of x + 1.
max(double a, double b)
Returns the largest value of a & b.
max(float a, float b)

max(long a, long b)

max(int a, int b)

min(double a, double b)
Returns the smallest value of a & b.
min(float a, float b)

min(long a, long b)

min(int a, int b)

nextAfter(double start, double direction)
Returns The floating-point number adjacent to start in the direction of direction.
nextAfter(float start, double direction)

nextUp(double d)
Returns The adjacent floating-point value closer to positive infinity.
nextUp(float d)

pow(double a, double b)
Returns the value ab.
Returns a double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. Returned values are chosen pseudorandomly with (approximately) uniform distribution from that range.
rint(double a)
Returns the closest floating-point value to a that is equal to a mathematical integer.
round(double a)
Returns the value of the argument rounded to the nearest long value.
round(float a)
Returns the value of the argument rounded to the nearest int value.
scalb(double d, int scaleFactor)
Returns d × 2scaleFactor
sin(double a)
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
sinh(double a)
Returns the trigonometric Hyperbolic sine of an angle.
sqrt(double a)
Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double value.
tan(double a)
Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
tanh(double a)
Returns the trigonometric Hyperbolic tangent of an angle.
toDegrees(double angrad)
Returns the measurement of the angle angrad in degrees.
toRadians(double angdeg)
Returns the measurement of the angle angdeg in radians.